Friday, June 25, 2010


OfficialCharice: It's official. I'm on Glee (next season) but story behind it. When d rumor came out, it wasn't true. But then after that; I tried to audition. And i made it!!! Let's Party!!!! To get updates from Charice you can join on her tweeter at this website: Official Charice Twitter


                          Hurray! Another first for a Filipino talent. Charice conquers another milestone as she joins the cast of the most hyped tv show today GLEE. For those not familiar with this show, its concept is more like the high school musical movies wherein it showcases great rendition of songs from Madonna to Lady Gaga, impressive voice adrenaline from the casts,  with remarkable dance choreography, and some drama and comedy on the side. 

            You may think the Charice was chosen because she used Oprah’s influence. Think not, since just like everybody else in Hollywood she auditioned for the role. There are also rumors that Anne Curtis, Sam Mily, and Nikki Gil also auditioned unfortunately they were not casted. 

            So Charice will enter the Glee as a foreign exchange student that tries to steal the the diva throne from Rachel. Exciting concept, definitely we could expect lots of fiery banters and sing-off. 

so excited!!!
            For love angle, maybe the writers could pair him up with Mike Chang, the other Asian in the group.

             Charice , from You Tube sensation to Stardom like Justin Bieber hopefully you do good and not be trashed like this.


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