Friday, June 25, 2010

Movie Chat: Karate Kid 2010

For starters, it’s not KARATE, but a Kung Fu movie, nevertheless doesn’t matter coz I wouldn’t even know their differences.
As a Jackie Chan fan, I expected it to be funny filled with the coolest stunts. Seeing Jackie Chan on the big screen today, it suddenly struck me for the first time that he looks like our DOLPY , yap you heard me right, our Comedy King of Philippine Cinema, don’t believe me? Look at this pic. 

      Jackie Chan as usual delivers in the movie but on a different new level. His drama acting is prowess without a hint of resemblance from his past roles which usually have the aura of comedic boyish charm. For this film, he plays a serious mature character who in the process of training Dre (Jayden Smith) developed a father-son relationship. Another difference from his past movies, this time there’s no blooper at the end of the film a disappointment for me but for Justin Bieber Fan , I guess you can appreciate the credits at the end, lol, figure that one out.
             Jayden Smith is now a movie star with this blockbuster hit. This remake of the 1980’s Karate Kid paved the way for Jayden to step back on his father’s shadow (Will Smith) and share the limelight with him. He is so charming like his father and his acting is undeniably great as he can easily exude coolness with his dancing, fighting, and comedic scenes. Aside from oozing charisma, the boy can easily shift to dramatic gear with right timing. He cried in the movie (without the annoying overdramatic wincing of eyes and hands covering the face which is actually a common sight for Trying Hard stars in our country) , thus he easily captured my sympathies. 
            As usual there’s a love angle, puppy love whatever you call it, made the movie cheesy but tolerable anyway.
                        Aside from the lead stars, the main antagonist Cheng definitely made an impact on me. His acting is so great that for a moment I was scared for Dre. He definitely can kick ass. 
                       Since I would not like to spoil the movie for you, let me just give you some fun trivia about the movie.  This movie is actually produced by Mr & Mrs. Smith, lol, not Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, but  Mr Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith. Equally famous and proud parents of the lead star Jayden Smith. I just wished though that Will Smith did a cameo in the movie. 
Another trivia, Michelle Yeoh did a cameo role in the movie. You just have to be keen observant and be really familiar with the actress to be able to spot her. Well that’s a challenge I’m throwing at you if you can recognize her in this movie.
This movie for me is 5 stars, how about you, what is your rate? Haven’t watch it yet? Well, still have time to watch it, Did I already said that June 30 was declared as holiday?  If not, now you know, grab your friends and some popcorn and watch it on SM or Metrotown or Magic Star, after the inauguration of Pres. Noynoy of course.

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